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You will make an elevator pitch to describe the acute and chronic effects of physical activity on specific measurable criteria within the human body (e.g., VO2 max, increased Cardiac Output)

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You will make an elevator pitch to describe the acute and chronic effects of physical activity on specific measurable criteria within the human body (e.g., VO2 max, increased Cardiac Output) Please do this using these guidelines, and included the following; You will make an elevator pitch to describe the acute and chronic effects of physical activity on specific measurable criteria within the human body (e.g., VO2 max, increased Cardiac Output) and the risks and benefits associated with both. Acute Response – a physiological response to an individual bout of exercise. Chronic Adaptation – a physiological change that occurs when the body is exposed to repeated exercise bouts over time. These changes improve the body’s capacity at rest or during exercise. Choose 2 specific measurable criteria from the list below to research and explain with respect to acute and chronic changes as a result of exercise. Use this pitch to sell the value of exercise based on the acute and chronic effects achieved as a result of engaging in exercise. VO2 max Vital Capacity Stroke Volume Tidal Volume Residual Volume Cardiac Output Minute Ventilation Arterial-venous oxygen difference Blood Pressure Blood Lactate Structural Changes to Heart/Heart Rate Capillarization Blood Volume Muscle Hypertrophy You will, by creating and delivering an elevator pitch that will be a maximum of 1-2 minutes in length. Make sure it includes; your name; (A SPACE LEFT) includes the statement you have chosen; explains your stance on the topic (for or against); explains your goal – what you want to inform or change; explains why other people should care about this issue as well; is engaging and exciting; is professional and polished (plan the pitch out in written form and practice it before recording); and includes enough information that anyone would be able to understand it. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! PLEASE REFERENCE ANY INFORMATION!

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