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Who strings the bow of Odysseus?

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Who strings the bow of Odysseus? 1. Who strings the bow of Odysseus? 2. How does Odysseus prove who he is to his wife? PART 3: DIRECTIONS FOR YOUR ASSIGNED QUESTION 1. You will find a list of numbered study guide questions in this module. Your assigned question(s) comes from this list. 2. Your answer to your assigned discussion question must include these 4 parts: Question Number Question Answer Location of your answer (lecture, assigned reading, or link to study guide) Note: If you are assigned more than one question, you should continue this process until you have answered all of your assigned questions. 3. . Your submission must be specific when stating the question number/question, answer, and location of your answer. For clarity sake, you are required to follow the format shown in the following examples: Example 1 (if an answer comes from a lecture) Question Number/Question: 48. Why must Penelope choose one of her suitors to marry? Answer: Penelope must choose one of her suitors to marry so that Ithaca will have a king. Source Location: Lecture 3, Paragraph 2 Example 2 (if an answer comes from a link to the reading assignment) Question Number/Question: 49. Which character tells Penelope that Odysseus has returned home? Answer: Eurycleia tells Penelope that Odysseus has returned home by saying, “Awake, Penelope, dear child, that thou may see with thine own eyes that which thouh desirest day by day. Odysseus hath come, and hath got him to his own house, though late hath he come, and hath slain the proud wooers that troubled his house, and devoured his substance, and oppressed his child.” Source Location:, Book XXIII, lines 1-6 Example 3 (if an answer comes from the course textbook) Question Number/Question: 49. Which character tells Penelope that Odysseus has returned home? Answer: Eurycleia tells Penelope that Odysseus has returned home by saying, “Awake, Penelope, dear child, that thou may see with thine own eyes that which thouh desirest day by day. Odysseus hath come, and hath got him to his own house, though late hath he come, and hath slain the proud wooers that troubled his house, and devoured his substance, and oppressed his child.” Source Location: Textbook, Book XXXIII, Page 600, Lines 1-9 Example 4 (if an answer comes from a link to the online study guide) Question Number/Question: 50. What does Odysseus promise Eumaneus and Philoetius if they fight by his side? Answer: “Odysseus promises to treat them as Telemachus’s brothers if they fight by his side.” Source Location: Sparknotescom, Summary: Book 21; Paragraph 2, Last sentence

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