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What does the Internal Review Board do? 2. What is the Belmont Report? What are its three main pr

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What does the Internal Review Board do? 
 2. What is the Belmont Report? What are its three main pr Part 1 1. What does the Internal Review Board do? 2. What is the Belmont Report? What are its three main principles? Define them. 3. What is informed consent? Who can and cannot consent to research? Who is historically considered a vulnerable population? 4. Discuss two of the following experiments and relate it to ethical experimentation on human subjects: a. Willowbrook State School Hepatitis Study b. Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment c. Monster Study in Stuttering d. Milgram Electric Shock Experiment Briefly describe the study as well as the (non-)ethical implications. (Please cite your sources – you do not have to format them but provide links) 5. In 1957, thalidomide (Distaval) was marketed in West Germany and then throughout Europe as medication to treat morning sickness and insomnia. It was tested in animals and then in (non-pregnant) humans. Describe the thalidomide tragedy. Describe Frances Kelsey’s involvement in preventing thalidomide from being approved in the United States. PART 2 need some question with option for survey the topic is hearing health: knowledge vs behavior so my topic is harms of q-tips or cotton buds so i have to ask other students what they know about q-tips or cotton buds and if they use did it effect their ears or not if affected than what type of problem occurred? so my ideas for behavior question is like first i want to ask if they use ear plugs in their ear when they go to concerts or any place where the volume is high? something like this 5 question on behavior and 5 on knowledge

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