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W4: Employee Training and Development

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W4: Employee Training and Development Experiential training encourages changes in work behavior and growth in one’s abilities, which is accomplished through a multitude of methods. Experiential training has proven to be cost-effective while motivating employees as well as improving self-awareness, personal accountability, teamwork skills, and communication skills (Ritchie, 2011). Additionally, the training methods provide trainees with direct experience, the opportunity to reflect on that experience, and share models to help trainees to deduce using both present and past experience, while accommodating learning styles and strengths (Ritchie, 2011). Valkanos and Fragoulis identify several reasons why experiential training provides value:
  1. Ongoing advances in technology requiring changes in knowledge, skills, and abilities
  2. Divergence between theory and practice
  3. Mergers and acquisitions of enterprises which tend to bring new jobs, organizational culture, and work content
  4. Constant environment of change, from working conditions to processes and procedures relating to organizational issues, quality, and new products or services, and requiring new competencies, duties, or work content (Valkanos & Fragoulis, 2007, p. 22).



On-the-job Training Receives instructions on the functions of their job in their assigned workplace.
Simulators Teaches employees on how to operate equipment in a given context
Role Playing Developing interpersonal and business skills, such as decision-making, communication, conflict resolution, and solving complex problems.
Case Study Develops critical thinking skills to include analytical, higher-level skills, and exploring and resolving complex problems.
Games Develops general business and organizational principles addressing application in a variety of situations.
Behavior Modeling Used when learning goals are a rule and inflexible procedures. Provides skills and practice to modify and model behavior.
In-basket Techniques A variety of items placed in an envelope that reflects what might be found in an inbox. This activity is used to assist trainees in developing and applying their strategic and operational skills.
(Blanchard & Thacker, 2013, pp. 222-223) References:
  • Blanchard, P. N., & Thacker, J. W. (2013). Effective training: Systems, strategies, and practices (5th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc.
  • Valkanos, E., & Fragoulis, I. (2007). Experiential learning – its place in in‐house education and training. Development and Learning in Organizations: An International Journal, 21(5), 21-23. doi:10.1108/14777280710779454
Discussion Question–Choose one perspective in which to respond. Non-HR Perspective: Your department is not meeting performance expectations and you are considering training as a possible solution. If so, which of the above training methods would be the most effective in addressing the issue? Would you, at any point, involve HR–if so, at what point and why? HR Perspective: A manager comes to you stating employees are not meeting performance expectations. The manager wants you to design and conduct training to help employees improve their skills and morale. What would you? In developing your response, you want to consider some of the following elementsADDIE model of training, needs analysis, organizational alignment, employee engagement, and other course concepts addressed up to this point. W3: Interviews and Selection Process in the Workplace

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