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Thoughts about occupational health exposures and safety risks among food delivery workers, including ideas about preventive and/or policy measures that can be taken. Factors that may serve a

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Thoughts about occupational health exposures and safety risks among food delivery workers, including ideas about preventive and/or policy measures that can be taken.
Factors that may serve a Develop the general study design and topic guide questions for focus groups addressing one of the public health research topics below. Preferences for reproductive and sexual healthcare services among sexually-active adolescents who live in an urban setting Thoughts about occupational health exposures and safety risks among food delivery workers, including ideas about preventive and/or policy measures that can be taken. Factors that may serve as barriers and facilitators to accessing health care among members of a specific ethnic/cultural/linguistic group. Study Design Elements 1) Research question or focus of the topic being addressed (this should be a more specific question or focus within one of the general topics above): 2) Target group characteristics (e.g., neighborhood, age, gender, job category, presence of specific disease or not, group membership, use certain services or not, etc.): 3) Stratification/Segmentation (i.e., key trait(s) used to determine participation and focus group stratification): – Will different focus groups be held with participants who have a specific characteristic? 4) Focus group structure – Is the topic very specific or more general? What does this suggest about the nature of the topic guide questions and the moderator’s involvement? 5) Target number of participants in each focus group (given that the general range of participants is 6-12): – Is the topic of a sensitive nature? What does this suggest about the size of the group? Use this example below, which was created for a study on the occupational health risks of transportation workers, to help guide you in filling in the blank table below for your own focus group. The way you fill in the blank table below should be based on the way you answered Questions 3 and 5 above and, therefore, should not be similar to this table. THIS IS A COMPLETED EXAMPLE TO HELP GUIDE YOU TO FILL IN THE TABLE BELOW FOR QUESTION 6. Trait 1 (e.g. occupation) Trait 2 (e.g. gender)

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