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Students need to identify one critical event that occurred during placement and analyse that learning and how/why it was critical to their learning. The critical leaning incident report mus

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Students need to identify one critical event that occurred during placement and
analyse  that learning and how/why it was critical to their learning. The
critical leaning incident report mus Completion of Critical Learning Incident Students need to identify one critical event that occurred during placement and analyse that learning and how/why it was critical to their learning. The critical leaning incident report must be within 1,500 words. Guidelines: A significant learning experience is one that students consider crucial to, or had an effect on, their learning. The event, or series of events, becomes a significant learning experience by the way that they view what has happened and through the value and significance attached to the event. As such, there is no single, definitive list of events that all case workers would refer to as significant learning incidents. It may mark a turning point or change in the way a student would normally think or act, but it does not need to be a major incident. In most cases, it refers to a moment of insight during placement where a student has experienced significant learning which they think was critical to their development as a case worker. This may include an aspect of social work practice that went particularly well, or that was found to be particularly difficult, or where a mistake was made and recognised, or found particularly demanding, or where their understanding of case work was challenged. Try to choose a brief and specific incident, rather than a case or situation. The incident students analyse can relate to:  Direct practice with an individual, couple, family, group or community at any stage of work  Work with peers, colleagues or staff/volunteers from other agencies  Work related to the organisation’s functions or policies  Work with multi-disciplinary teams  Observed incidents  Conversations and reflections from supervision with field educator/s. In addition, Students should record their progression in the Learning Plan Documents and present it to the College Placement Staff during Mid-term meeting. Students are advised to commence thinking about these assessment tasks early in the fieldwork placement and should not leave the development of these to the ‘last minute’. All three fieldwork assessment documents should be submitted during the final week of fieldwork placement to the study desk and no later than the last day of placement. It is the responsibility of the student to ensure the timely submission of these documents.

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