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Potential ethical challenges and formulated plans

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Potential ethical challenges and formulated plans

HCM 490 Milestone Four Guidelines and Rubric
Overview: In this milestone, you will submit the implementation plan for your project.
Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
I. Phase IIImplementation A. Implementation Plan: Provide a comprehensive plan for implementation that includes the following:
i. Target area or intended population and established goals ii. The timeline and implementation milestones of the initiative
iii. Financial impact of the initiative, including any necessary capital expenditures, necessary fundraising, or potential financial benefits iv. Resources needed to effectively implement the initiative, including staffing, equipment, technology needs, and so forth v. Compliance with all federal and state regulations relevant to the proposed plan
vi. Potential ethical challenges and formulated plans for monitoring behavior, practices, procedures, and so forth
Guidelines for Submission: This milestone should be no more than five PowerPoint slides in length. All references should be cited in APA format.
Critical Elements Proficient (100%) Needs Improvement (75%) Not Evident (0%) Value Intended
Population Explains the target area or intended population and established goals
Explains the target area or intended population and established goals but lacks detail or clarity
Does not explain the target area or intended population and established goals
Milestones Discusses the timeline and implementation milestones of the initiative
Discusses the timeline and implementation milestones of the initiative but lacks detail or clarity
Does not discuss the timeline and implementation milestones of the initiative
Financial Impact Assesses the financial impact of the initiative, including any necessary capital expenditures, necessary fundraising, or potential financial benefits that may result from the initiative
Assesses the financial impact of the initiative, including any necessary capital expenditures, necessary fundraising, or potential financial benefits that may result from the initiative, but lacks detail or clarity
Does not assess the financial impact of the initiative, including any necessary capital expenditures, necessary fundraising, or potential financial benefits that may result from the initiative
Resources Evaluates resources needed to effectively implement the initiative, including staffing, equipment, and technology needs
Evaluates resources needed to effectively implement the initiative, including staffing, equipment, and technology needs, but lacks detail or clarity
Does not evaluate resources needed to effectively implement the initiative, including staffing, equipment, and technology needs
Compliance Discusses whether there is compliance with all federal and state regulations relevant to the proposed plan
Discusses whether there is compliance with all federal and state regulations relevant to the proposed plan but lacks detail or clarity
Does not discuss whether there is compliance with all federal and state regulations relevant to the proposed plan
Potential Ethical Challenges
Explains potential ethical challenges and formulates plans for monitoring behavior, practices, and procedures
Explains potential ethical challenges and formulates plans for monitoring behavior, practices, and procedures but lacks detail or clarity
Does not explain potential ethical challenges and formulate plans for monitoring behavior, practices, and procedures
Articulation of Response
Submission has no major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization
Submission has major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that negatively impact readability and articulation of main ideas
Submission has critical errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that prevent understanding of ideas

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  Target area and intended population: The target area for this initiative is all health centers and clinics managed by Cigna. The intended population is all patients who receive healthcare services... View This Answer

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