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POL 237 Test 3: Chapter 11 – 12

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POL 237 Test 3: Chapter 11 – 12
Question 1 5 / 5 pts Who was the first president to face the problem of a philosophically hostile bureaucracy? George Jefferson Benjamin Franklin Thomas Jefferson Adam Shiff Question 2 5 / 5 pts What is a group charged with directing a government function, whether on an ad hoc or a permanent basis. Commissions tend to be used (1) when it is desirable to have bipartisan leadership, (2) when their functions are of a quasi-judicial nature, or (3) when it is deemed important to have wide representation of ethnic groups, regions of the country, differing skills, and so on? Democracy Wayfair Representative Commission Question 3 5 / 5 pts __ is a term for the largescale importation of previously noncareer jobs into the regular civil service merit system. Range Rover Blanket-in rough rider commission Question 4 5 / 5 pts This court functions, especially, are better undertaken by a tribunal than by a solitary judge. Not insignificantly, a commission provides a political safety valve by making room for representatives of special interests such as racial or employee groups. Night Court Traffic Court Second Circuit Appellate Question 5 5 / 5 pts Regulations enacted by a local government that have the force of law but must be in compliance with state and national laws. They are issued under the authority derived from a grant of power (such as a city charter) from a sovereign entity (such as a state). Blanket terms Ordinances State reform democracy Question 6 5 / 5 pts On March 2, 1978, President Jimmy Carter, with the enthusiastic support of his Civil Service Commission leadership, submitted his civil service reform proposals to Congress. True False Question 7 5 / 5 pts The reduction in the size of a workforce that naturally occurs through voluntary resignations, retirements, and deaths is known as downsizing. True False Question 8 5 / 5 pts The push to make government personnel more efficient and responsive to “customer” demands has produced an increased government reliance on the practice of privatization. True False Question 9 5 / 5 pts All states and many other jurisdictions have veterans preference laws of varying intensity. True False Question 10 5 / 5 pts ______ are groups of employees who create a formal organization (the union) to represent their interests before management. Wilshires Horse Unions Retirement Plans Question 11 5 / 5 pts __________________ are used interchangeably with certification election (because, if the union wins, it is certified as the representative of the workers by the administrative agency) and representative election (because a winning union becomes just that: the representative of the workers). Determinate Sentences Authorization elections Poll Surveys Mini camps Question 12 5 / 5 pts Any conscious effort on the part of an organization (such as rotational assignments or formal educational experiences) to provide a manager with the skills needed for future duties is known as: war on drugs impasse resolution Republican Management development Question 13 5 / 5 pts A very general term that refers to a society’s change from an agrarian to an industrial economy is known as: Minor’s revenge craft unions Industrial Revolution horse relay Question 14 15 / 15 pts These are the three basic approaches to the Great Depression that began in 1929: Do nothing because nothing needed to be done. The current problem was just another dip in the inevitable boom-and-bust economic cycle. Prosperity would eventually be just around the corner—just as it always had been. Nevertheless, the problem remained that prosperity was taking too long to turn the corner. Rely on “volunteerism” or private charity. Traditional charitable good works were widespread in a nation with a large churchgoing population. But the problem was too huge for a nation that had lost half its total wealth by the end of the first three years of the Depression. Six years after the Depression began, President Franklin D. Roosevelt would say in his second inaugural address, “I see one-third of a nation ill-housed, ill-clad, and ill-nourished.” The nation was simply too ill for the “pill” of charity to make it better. Expand welfare programs. Even before the Depression hit, the states had been forced to deal with the problems of economic security in a wage-based, industrial economy. Workers’ compensation programs had been established by most states. Once the Depression hit, all levels of government responded with expanded relief and public works programs. The main strategy for providing economic security to the elderly, in the face of the demographic changes just discussed, was to provide various forms of old-age “pensions.” These were welfare programs, eligibility for which was based on financial need. By 1934, most states had such “pension” plans. However, these plans were so restrictive in eligibility and so minimal in payments that they were almost wholly inadequate to the task. True False Question 15 5 / 5 pts _____ can be defined as a large group of people with common characteristics presumed to be transmitted genetically. Race Mitigating circumstances multiple factors Facts PartialQuestion 16 2.5 / 5 pts Historically, _____________ were called, and because of segregation and discrimination often considered themselves to be, second-class citizens. But since the civil rights movement and the new laws that flowed from it, there can be no second-class citizens in the United States. Nevertheless, the phrase is still used in various contexts. Caucasian-Americans African-Americans Indians Vietnamese Question 17 5 / 5 pts The only way to overcome and get beyond the adverse impact of systemic discrimination is to implement a vigorous affirmative action program. To repeal affirmative action and force minorities to compete on the proverbial “level playing field” would only perpetuate the existing patterns of discrimination. True False Question 18 5 / 5 pts Use of employment practices (recruiting methods, selection tests, promotion policies, etc.) that have the unintended effect of excluding or limiting the employment prospects of protected-class persons. Because of court interpretations of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, all such systemic discrimination, despite its “innocence,” must be eliminated where it cannot be shown that such action would place an unreasonable burden on the employer or that such practices cannot be replaced by other practices that would not have such an adverse effect is known as: reverse discrimination blanket immunity Systemic Racism glass ceiling

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