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HPI patient is a 4 yr old white male patient who has a moderate intellectual disability a well as obesity; otherwise he gets along reasonably well. However, the patient presented to his pedi

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HPI patient is a 4 yr old white male patient who has a moderate intellectual disability a well as obesity; otherwise he gets along reasonably well. However, the patient presented to his pedi Having trouble with a question: HPI patient is a 4 yr old white male patient who has a moderate intellectual disability a well as obesity; otherwise he gets along reasonably well. However, the patient presented to his pediatrician this morning with a 1 hr long history of sudden onset of testicular pain. Physical exam at that time was suggestive for testicular torsion, and he was admitted for surgical repair. Physical exam showed an obese white male, who was crying. Lungs clear. Heart regular, without murmur or gallop, Abdomen obese; no masses appreciated; bowel sounds normal active. Genital exam showed a small penis which was engulfed in the suprapubic fat; testes down bilaterally; the right side was exquisitely tender. Patient was admitted and taken to the operating room immediately, and right scrotal exploration was undertaken. The appendix testis was found to be hemorrhagic and cyanotic. It was excised. The testicle otherwise appeared fine. The right testicle was fixed in the scrotum. It was not felt necessary to explore the left side for fixation. Post-operatively the patient did well. He was discharged later that evening in good condition. What codes are assigned to this case?

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