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Have you ever known someone who has dealt with a potentially ethical issue in health care such as end-of-life decision-making, in vitro fertilization, religion, long-term care decisions, or

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Have you ever known someone who has dealt with a potentially ethical issue in health care such as end-of-life decision-making, in vitro fertilization, religion, long-term care decisions, or Have you ever known someone who has dealt with a potentially ethical issue in health care such as end-of-life decision-making, in vitro fertilization, religion, long-term care decisions, or other issues? Did it cause you to want to conduct further research on how to help him or her or to better understand his or her situation? Maybe you have personally experienced such a condition. Begin to research articles in the CSU Online Library that might help you better understand the condition of this individual, or research an ethical medical dilemma of your choice. Research articles that may help explain some insight into the issue. Locate at least three articles that are no more than 10 pages in length that might arm you with information to help this individual. Now, imagine that you are the author of a blog. You do not want to identify your friend, but you know he or she reads your blog, so you begin to write a special entry for your friend without identifying him or her. In the blog, address each of the prompts below. Summarize the ethical issue. What is the impact of the ethical issue in health care? What social factors influence the issue and decision? Pick one side of the issue’s argument, and defend it. Include a discussion about the impact of the research on ethical questions surrounding the issue. What additional resources can you offer/mention in the blog? Note: Keep in mind that you will want to keep the name of the individual confidential. If you would like to use this person in your blog, please use an alias (fake name) for this individual. Your blog post must be at least 500 words in length. Remember that the blog should be in a conversational format but still include supporting evidence and references to clarify ideas and your thoughts. Be sure to explain any technical terms, as this would be for the whole community to view, including those unfamiliar with your chosen topic.

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