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For this assignment, you will produce one annotation for a research source that you have found in your research process to the research topic question at hand posted below. Consider this pra

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For this assignment, you will produce one annotation for a research source that you have found in your research process to the research topic question at hand posted below. Consider this pra Discussion: Annotation Drafts Purpose: Draft an annotation for a research source. Task: For this assignment, you will produce one annotation for a research source that you have found in your research process to the research topic question at hand posted below. Consider this practice for your annotated bibliography. Your research source annotation should include a complete MLA or APA citation followed by a paragraph (approximately 150-200 words). Consider the following questions in the making of your annotation paragraph: Source Summary: What is the source about? What is the purpose of this source? What is the major claim of the source? Authority: Who is the author of this source? Is this author credible or trustworthy? How does the author and his/her credibility impact how I may use this source in my research process? Currency: When was this source published? Does the source reflect current conversations on the topic? How does the currency impact how I may use this source in my research process? Relevance: How does this source relate to my research topic and my research question? How do I think I will use this source in the future (as background information, as an example, as support for a position, as a different perspective on the topic)? Are there any limitations to this source? Topic Research Question: “What is the mental health toll of academic pressure?” Research Sources: 1.) Title: “The impact of academic stress on mental health among university students: A systematic review” Author: Amina El Ansari, Suzanne Khalil Ahmed, ElSayed Elhamaky Publication Location: Journal of Mental Health Publication Date: August 2020 Source Type: Academic article Search Strategy: Found through a search on the PubMed database using the terms “academic stress mental health university students”. 2.) Title: “Academic pressure, anxiety and depression among high school students: A longitudinal study” Author: Xiaoying Qin, Huiyuan Zhang, Ningning Ye, Chen Guan, Xinxin Wang, Hongfei Fu Publication Location: Journal of Affective Disorders Publication Date: August 2021 Source Type: Academic article Search Strategy: Found through a Google Scholar search using the terms “academic pressure anxiety depression high school students longitudinal study”. 3.) Title: “Mental Health and Academic Success in College” Author: Chris Brownson, Sharon Murray Publication Location: American Journal of Health Education Publication Date: May 2018 Source Type: Academic article Search Strategy: Found through a search on the Taylor

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