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Explain the criteria for induction into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame (2) Using that criteria, describe how they influenced popular music (2) What category at the RRHOF would they be induct

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Explain the criteria for induction into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame (2)
Using that criteria, describe how they influenced popular music (2)
What category at the RRHOF would they be induct Hello, can you please help me with a music assignment, but i have one favour from you please. After finishing this assignment, can you please not post this assignment public for everyone to see it please, i will really appreciate it. Maybe we can choose Christina Aguilera? As prep for our Voice Your Choice Assignment, this assignment asks us to submit our answers to the following. Keep in mind, the artist you choose must fulfill the “25 year rule” for induction. For induction in 2023, this means their first record must have been released no later than 1998. No exceptions. If the artist you research does not fulfill this criteria, find someone else to research or your grade for the assignment will be zero. Now, onto the question at hand: Which artist do you feel is worthy of induction into a Hall of Fame for 2023? Here’s the checklist of questions we need to answer: Who is your choice? When year was their first record released? Remember: this choice must satisfy the “25 year rule” for induction into the RRHOF. NOTE: IF THE ARTIST DOES NOT SATISFY THE “25 YEAR RULE,” OR IS ALREADY IN THE ROCK AND ROLL HALL OF FAME, THE GRADE FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT IS AUTOMATICALLY ZERO. Why did you select this person/group? Explain the criteria for induction into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame (2) Using that criteria, describe how they influenced popular music (2) What category at the RRHOF would they be inducted? Why? (2) Besides the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, list three online sources you’ll be using in your research amd we need to Reference each of our sources using. Please don’t list generic web sources (i.e., Wikipedia, artist’s web site). The links you provide should refer directly to your artist/group/individual and be analytical in nature. In other words, it should offer some insight into the importance and significance of the person. For each source, we need to explain why we chose it and include a specific quote from each source. Remember, the quotes should be analytical in nature and not just simply include facts. 4) List two songs, albums or works that showcase their best work. Include date of release. Explain why you chose them. Please answer questions 1-4 in numerical order they are presented. DO NOT ANSWER IN ONE LONG PARAGRAPH. Also make note of the marks associated with each question. It’s the number in brackets at the end of the questions. Be sure you answer all the questions and include all information requested.

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