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During COVID, the students of the tutoring company, Learn For Life, are no longer coming to campus and demanding that they take lessons online. However, the company is considering a variety

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During COVID, the students of the tutoring company, Learn For Life,  are no longer coming to campus and demanding that they take lessons online. However, the company is considering a variety Problem: During COVID, the students of the tutoring company, Learn For Life, are no longer coming to campus and demanding that they take lessons online. However, the company is considering a variety of options as it is having a hard timepaying the rent of the massive office building it has been renting on College and Spadina where all classes used to be held pre-COVID and is, therefore, considering the following options to reduce costs, while maintaining business. Establishing Criteria: The criteria used to evaluate potential business solutions in order of significance: The costs of running Learn for Life The costs to the students (including tuition, textbooks, etc.) Further possibilities for business expansion Further possibilities for attracting experienced, efficient and creative instructors The options presented for evaluation are as follows: A) The staff continues to work on the same premises, which translates into continuing to pay a monthly rent of $4500 which covers the internet, water, electricity and other utilities; however, it encourages seasoned, efficient and creative instructors to work on site in separate rooms and eliminates the costs of purchasing 800-dollar laptops for each of the twenty-five instructors should they work from home. Additionally, working under safe circumstances on campus may allow for a sense of collegiality and professionalism unparalleled otherwise. Interviews will be conducted on campus for the hiring new instructors. This option will, most likely, lead to a boost in costs both for the company itself and the students, although it will ensure that Learn for Life attract the most efficient instructors and allow for business expansion should the company survive the vicissitudes of the pandemic. B) The staff will stop paying the monthly $4500 rent and hire new instructors through Zoom interviews. This choice entails the purchase of 600-dollar laptops for, at least, twenty-five instructors to keep the momentum going. Business will become decentralized as everyone begins to work from home and the company will have to pay for the staff’s internet costs (which will differ from person to person depending on their service providers). This option reduces the tuition fees of students and certain costs for the company; however, it curtails chances of business expansion and will not, necessarily, allow for the hiring of the best of the best instructors. C) This option will have the administrative staff work from the main office, in which case, Learn for Life, will only be paying $2500 on monthly rent as it will be operating on the first floor only. In this case, the company is no longer legally bound to pay for the internet costs of its employees and can reduce the overall costs incurred by the company, although the students will have to pay 15% more than they would be in the event the company opted for Option B. This option allows for the attraction of the best of more qualified instructors as it allows for a multi-pronged hiring approach. Once the pandemic is over, all staff members can return and start operating on all floors. Based on the above information do the best to write a comparison/yardstick report that is addressed to the director of Learn for Life, Dr. Anthony Singh with the subject of “The Best Option to run Learn for Lifeduring the Pandemic.” The above is all the information u have and, if need be, u can get creative within the confines of the information provided above and the assignment itself. Please note that there is an example of a comparison/yardstick report on the slides for Week 7. u can find the example towards the very end of the powerpoint presentation slides that have been posted for Chapter 11 of your book and available in the folder for Week 7. ur assignment ought to be between 750-1050 WORDS and follow the model that is available on the powerpoint presentation as it compares the options, ranks them based on the given criteria and recommends the best option on the basis of the criteria. Also, include a visual component in the form of a chart or table that presents some of the (numerical) information you wish to highlight in your response. u will be marked on the basis of grammar, syntax, word choices, spelling, coherence, the quality of the chart and/or table you include as well as the validity of your arguments.

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