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Describe one of your best days. If you could give one piece of advice, what would it be? Who do you admire most? What gives your life meaning? What was one o

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Describe one of your best days.       If you could give one piece of advice, what would it be?       Who do you admire most?       What gives your life meaning?       What was one o  Overview:For your initial writing assignment, you will construct a paragraph about something meaningful in your life using the structure of the famous “Humans of New York” blog posts. Please save your file in .doc or .docx format.*Students are encouraged to visit the following website before completing writing assignments. Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL):*To view the grading rubric for this assignment, click on the name of the assignment and click “View Rubric”Instructions: Review the HONY Paragraph Assignment Sheet (attached above).  For your paragraph, you will answer ONE of the following prompts: Describe one of your best days. If you could give one piece of advice, what would it be? Who do you admire most? What gives your life meaning? What was one of your saddest moments? What is your greatest joy? What is your greatest regret? Your paper must adhere to the following guidelines: 200-250 words Double-spaced, Times New Roman/Calibri, 12-point font MLA format for heading 1-inch margins Include a photo – either a personal photo or insert a photo from creative commons. Use correct punctuation, grammar, and mechanics. Use complete sentences. ENG1100MOD1HONYSheetINFO.docx Humans of New York (HONY) Paragraph Purpose: · Share a paragraph about yourself with the class, using the structure of the famous “Humans of New York” blog posts. (See this website for an overview ) · Read “Humans of New York” (HONY) posts; draft and revise a HONY Paragraph in a Word doc. using MLA formatting; identify and correct writing errors; and reflect on the writing process · Communicate about self through words and visual media · Focus writing around a main idea In your paragraph, you need to answer ONE of the following prompts: · Describe one of your best days. · If you could give one piece of advice, what would it be? · Who do you admire most? · What gives your life meaning? · What was one of your saddest moments? · What is your greatest joy? · What is your greatest regret? Your paper must adhere to the following guidelines: · 200-250 words · Double-spaced, Times New Roman/Calibri, 12-point font · MLA format for heading · 1-inch margins · Include photo – either a personal photo or insert a photo from creative commons · Use correct punctuation, grammar, and mechanics · Use complete sentences · Submit your paper to SafeAssign on Blackboard See Below for Sample Assignment: Jane Smith Professor Name ENG 1100 1 January 2020 Sea Glass This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND On one of my best days, I was walking along a beach in southern Japan collecting sea glass. I had taken a train ride to the closest beach to my apartment. I had only been in Japan for a couple weeks, and as an American living by myself it felt pretty lonely. I was not questioning my purpose for coming to Japan to teach English, but living in a new culture was much harder than I thought it would be. As I was walking along the beach searching for sea glass, I looked up and a Japanese boy about my age dropped a handful of sea glass into my palms. He and his two friends took me out for noodles, and then we went to some hot springs. We were listening to old American songs like “Stand by Me” as one of the young men drove his SUV up the winding mountain roads lined with cedar trees. One of the boys stood up with his torso outside the sun roof as we drove. It was just a perfect day. When evening came, the three guys drove me back to my apartment. We exchanged phone numbers, but I never saw them again. Rubric (See Blackboard for Digital Rubric): Paragraph fully answers the question (20 pts.) ______ Focus is maintained on a central point (10 pts.) ______ The photograph is included (10 pts.) ______ Paragraph is the appropriate length (10 pts.) ______ MLA formatting is followed (10 pts.) ______ The essay is mostly free of errors (20 pts.) ______ image2.jpeg image1.jpg

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