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Although sometimes hard to think about, healthcare is a business. To stay in business, organizations providing healthcare services must manage their accounts receivable efficiently and effe

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Although sometimes hard to think about, healthcare is a business. To stay in business, organizations providing 
healthcare services must manage their accounts receivable efficiently and effe One aspect of this assignment is learning how to consolidate and organize your paper, so it stays within the word count limits. It is possible that additional pages will result in point deduction. You must show a word count. The paper must be written and organized according to APA format; particularly, pay attention to citations and references of research sources, and to the correspondence between citations in the text of your essay and references at the end. It is expected that you will be using 10 different sources (minimum) that will include academic publications, national/international databases, media/news reports, etc. The cover sheet, abstract page, and reference pages do not count as part of the word count. Paper Topic: Although sometimes hard to think about, healthcare is a business. To stay in business, organizations providing healthcare services must manage their accounts receivable efficiently and effectively. As future healthcare administrators, it will be your responsibility to oversee this process to ensure there is enough revenue to continue providing services to patients, and employment for your employees and yourself. The focus of this paper is the impact a medical biller and coder has on accounts receivable. Writing prompt: State your position (e.g., Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Chief Financial Officer (CFO), administrator, etc.) in an identified healthcare organization (e.g., surgery center, medical practice, hospital, etc.,) and take the standpoint that you just found out your company is in financial distress due to suspected insufficient accounts receivable collections. Discuss six steps that the medical billing and coding department can take to achieve improved accounts receivable. Consider in your evaluation the impact on the company reputation which leads to repeat and referral business, possible fraud which may lead to jail time as white-collar crime, employment/livelihood for your employees and their families, how billing impacts the out-of-pocket expenses for patients which can produce financial ruin, and closure of the facility

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  • 275 words per page
  • 12pt Arial/Times New Roman
  • Double line spacing
  • Any citation style (APA, MLA, CHicago/Turabian, Havard)

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