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Along with the development of 4.0 technology, music is increasingly associated with many digital standards. In the past few years, MV (Music video) has been posted on social networks to help

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Along with the development of 4.0 technology, music is increasingly associated with many digital standards. In the past few years, MV (Music video) has been posted on social networks to help Please help me fix this essay to make it a better one with the controversy music topic. Need to argue both good and bad site. Also, please include 3 sources inside the essay. Make it longer please. Thank you. Topic: Let’s talk about YouTube Music Video views Along with the development of 4.0 technology, music is increasingly associated with many digital standards. In the past few years, MV (Music video) has been posted on social networks to help the artists’ names become known to many people. Ever since then, the vast majority of audiences have attributed the success of a music product to the top trending positions, YouTube views, etc. Therefore, the goal of many singers today when launching a new MV is to reach millions of views on YouTube. However, virtual numbers do not accurately measure an artist’s talent. We need to remember success regarding media effects or commercial benefits; is different from the success of the product’s artistic value. According to YouTube’s chief executive, 1.8 million users log on to the social networking site every month, and 85% access music content. Simple multiplication gives a massive number of YouTube’s potential. And, of course, YouTube views indicate the popularity of a song or an artist. However, YouTube views are only sometimes there. In 2007, Billboard first included streaming parameters provided by AOL Music and Yahoo! Music into the chart formula of the Billboard Hot 100 list. But only in February 2013 did Billboard bring YouTube views into one streaming data section. But what does this information mean? Now that you think about Psy’s “Gangnam Style,” remember how quickly it became a global craze and reached 1 billion views. Already. Now think about when it was released: July 2012. When “Gangnam Style” emerged, the song’s massive YouTube views had nothing to do with its position on the Billboard charts. The highest chart that “Gangnam Style” achieved was the 2nd position on the Billboard Hot 100. The concept of a good or bad MV also depends on the perception of each audience. Some MVs are suitable for professionals, but the public doesn’t accept them, and vice versa; there are MVs that experts don’t appreciate, even with many “hotels” but with “terrible” views. So, using views on online sites as a standard measure of a particular MV’s quality needs to be more accurate. It only roughly reflects how attractive that artist is. Because some online sites pay MV owners through views, artists need high views. The higher the view, the greater the appeal of that product, but that does not mean the quality of the product. Especially only some elevated views are good MV quality, and vice versa. Although knowing the “huge” number of views every singer wants, what the audience expects more from an MV is still a good, quality song, well performed by the singer, emotionally and musically successful, music, and pictures. Some pieces don’t match the voice quality, plus the weak singing style, the singer’s unknown lyrics have affected the effort, and billions poured into the MV. Besides, the audience expects a singer to go a long way and “live a long” with the profession; the essential factor is still a good voice, not a beautiful MV with millions of views. References: Writing about music, YouTube, English essay

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