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A good inter-professional service member for public health would be someone who is a good listener, open-minded, flexible, and patient. I learned that listening to the team members I was wo

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A good inter-professional service member for public health would be someone who is a good listener, open-minded, flexible, and patient. I learned that listening to the team members I was wo I need a good reply to my classmate’s discussion board below. Some paragraphs will be nice, and can you please include the references on where you got this information from also? The reply really just has to be about how you feel about their discussion and add an opinion too. A good inter-professional service member for public health would be someone who is a good listener, open-minded, flexible, and patient. I learned that listening to the team members I was working with was almost more important than what I had to say. In order to understand how I could best serve them and their community, I had to truly listen to what they were saying and decipher their public health need without them directly telling me. Being patient and open-minded will allow for a more productive project than either professional would be able to attain on their own.1 My inter-professional experience project was creating a nutrition guide and educational information for a local boutique fitness studio. This information is to be presented to clients of their studio during a “spring into fitness” challenge that incorporates nutrition, fitness, weight loss, mental and physical health prevention, and improvement ideas. I collaborated with the co-owners of the studio to find out more about their goals for this challenge and their idea of what topics to incorporate. Both co-owners are yoga teachers, group fitness instructors, and have spent nine years running all aspects of their small business. Both co-owners are Christians, have a strong base understanding of the importance of nutrition and a holistic health worldview. The goal for our team was to create relevant and useful nutritional and public health educational information in an easy to understand and implement format to be used by fitness studio clients. I was responsible for updating their nutritional guide by breaking down basic nutritional information in an easy to understand and apply method. I took questions directly from the clients about what they wanted to know regarding nutrition and answered their questions in the guide. I researched public health issues in our area and state and wrote tips on how to best prevent these issues.2 Having an inter-professional team made this project go more smoothly as the co-owners understood their clients and their business and exactly what type of information their clients would need and what type of information best suits their business model. This helped narrow down the amount of information to process and limit the education to specific areas that lined up with their business community goals. I noticed that while they both know a great deal about nutrition, their public health knowledge was very limited and their knowledge of ways to help prevent public health issues, such as chronic disease, was even more restricted. They enjoyed the idea of adding tips to help prevent chronic disease and it fit well with the challenge and their business as many of the prevention tips relate to physical activity and nutrition. The public health insight we focused on was mainly chronic disease. Heart disease, type two diabetes, diseases that one may be genetically disposed for but can mitigated with lifestyle changes such as fitness and nutrition. With their business being in the fitness industry, a health and wellness mindset is always present, often the discussion is limited on how we can take part in our own health journey by ways of working to prevent chronic diseases. As a team we integrated a biblical worldview into our project by genuinely caring for the well being of others. From the questions we were seeing from their clients it is apparent how little most people truly understand about nutrition. We believe it is important to be honest in telling people that the best nutrition comes from God, as in if he made it and man didn’t mess it up, that is the best source of nutrition. We discussed how we are to treat our body as a temple, as in 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, that we only get one chance at this life on Earth and we need to do our part to take care of it. 3

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