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A few months ago I had the opportunity to work for starbucks as a barista. I had recently moved to New York City and and I was freelancing at the time. But I had to get a part time job in or

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A few months ago I had the opportunity to work for starbucks as a barista. I had recently moved to New York City and and I was freelancing at the time. But I had to get a part time job in or OUTLINE THIS PASSAGE A few months ago I had the opportunity to work for starbucks as a barista. I had recently moved to New York City and and I was freelancing at the time. But I had to get a part time job in order to pay next month rents. So one afternoon I printed off a stack of resumes, enhanced delivered them to nearly 30 Starbucks in lower manhattan and one in Brooklyn only one manager called me back; the one from Brooklyn just a few blocks from my apartment- and the last store I visited. She offered me the job at $10 per hour; and if I worked part time for three months I’d be eligible for health insurance I would later find out that the store is located next to the busiest transit hub in Brooklyn, which makes it the busiest Starbucks outside of Manhattan. My initial idea of working in a leisurely part time job was coming completely false. This was going to be hard work – And a lot of it. My first day was deceptively easy – watching videos of starbucks CEO Howard Schultz on the stores laptop with my fellow territory Chinese and testing coffee and tea. We had some pamphlets that explain the drinks and our task was to memorize all of them- including some several dozen variations of shots, size and flavors. We tried making a few of these with our trainers at the bar, but it wasn’t easy. There was usually a steady stream of 20 – Some people waiting in line, and there simply wasn’t the space or environment to train properly. It was always chaotic, with several people on the floor, calling others shifting from station to station, and making you to get out of the way. Not to mention 10 customers waiting at the end of the bar for their drinks. My first real 7 AM shift was jarring. The intensity of what goes on behind the counter is simply not visible from the Countess point of view. During the peak morning hours, I would work through around 110 people every half hour with seven employees on the floor. Since there was no chance my new my new colleagues – or partners, as Starbucks calls its employees – and I would ever memorize all the drinks, we handled everything else, brewing and changing coffees( into brackets staying on top of which ones are decaf, lights and bold roasts, while rotating them via Starbucks coffee Cadence using two minute timers and grinding the beans, having them all prepared to brew – and never leaving one pot sitting longer than 30 minutes without damping, since it no longer fresh), making drinks (there is a complicated shorthand that you have got to memorize, whoa translating what a customer is saying into Starbucks Speak and calling it properly), rotating pastries, the food case, and tossing hot items into the oven – or while managing the register. Just I was tempted to remind my co workers that there were new ones, too, I wanted to tell customers that I was way over qualified for this job, and hoped they would see me on the streets in normal clothes, Not in Khakis a t-shirts, bright green apron and baseball cap. On my third day my boss handed my fellow trainee – who would later disappear after a 10 minute break never to return- And me a mob and supplies to clean the bathroom, because the toilet was broken. It turned out not to be so horrible, but again, I quickly learned to swallow my pride. We got to 10 minutes breaks and one unpaid 30 minute break for every eight hours on the floor. There would have to decide between running next door to use the restroom because hours always had a line of customers in the front of it, quickly hitting a bag lunch there was never time to stand in line and buy something from the store, or making a cell phone call. If you are lucky, you got to sit down on the one chair in the break room, or on the ladder, because they were never any open seats in the store. Some of my coworkers were more demanding than others. Most were nice and welcoming, and they were office politics. On more than one occasions I walked into the break room to see someone crying, or talking about other coworkers. I mostly avoid this, until what would be my last week on the job. I told my boss that I got a new, full time job, and could work until I started at Business insider. But the next day my name disappeared from the schedule For many people, service industry jobs are not supplementary income or short term solution. And hats off to them – especially those who do it without even complaining

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