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A 22-year-old patient who has recently taken Dapsone for a dermatitis condition is admitted to the emergency department. Her skin is slate gray and the patient is unconscious with shallow re

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A 22-year-old patient who has recently taken Dapsone for a dermatitis condition is admitted to the emergency department. Her skin is slate gray and the patient is unconscious with shallow re Lab assignment: A 22-year-old patient who has recently taken Dapsone for a dermatitis condition is admitted to the emergency department. Her skin is slate gray and the patient is unconscious with shallow respirations and does not respond to painful stimuli. The patient is intubated and resuscitated with 100% oxygen. Following intubation, the SpO2 remains 85% and the patient remains cyanotic. What procedure should be done to accurately diagnose the patient? What changes/adjustments could be made to vent setting (oxygen set at 100% peep 8)? A 52-year-old patient who has extensive oral trauma due to cancer, needs to be intubated. What method would be used and what could assist with tube placement? Describe all equipment required for an intubation assist and the purpose for each piece of equipment. For each of the following scenarios, indicates what type of airway should be used. State your rationale: Semiconscious patient in the recovery room An elderly non-intubated patient who requires frequent suctioning A patient in cardiac arrest in the emergency department receiving basic life-support What type of artificial tracheal airway should be used for the following clinical situations? Please include all appropriate choices with an explanation. Patient in cardiac arrest Patient with severe OSA

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